Monday, January 27, 2020

The Effect Of Internet Piracy

The Effect Of Internet Piracy Both the music and gaming industry claim to suffer from major financial losses due to internet piracy. In 2002, Software publishers claimed that, the worldwide piracy rate for PC business software was 39%, which translated into a $13.08 billion loss in revenue. The music industry also recorded losses of up to $4.6 billion as a result of 1.8 billion illegal downloads. (International Planning and Research Corporation 2003). All these figures indicate significant losses to the relevant copyright owners. (Hui, Kai-Lung, and I.P.L. Png (2003)) Many analysts believe it is due to peer-to-peer (P2P) technologies which lead to the illegal downloading. This type of piracy is known as End-user piracy, which differs greatly from For-profit piracy. End-user piracy seems to be a lot more difficult to control. The music/game industry and policy makers address this issue by reinforcing copyright laws and implementing technological protection and also targeting the developers and users of P2P networks. The ongoing Eircom vs. The Pirate Bay debate is an example of this preventative action. But many believe downloading is a form of sampling and also leads to the exposure effect, leading people to find and try new music in order to make more informed purchases which in turn can lead to an increase in CD sales around the world. (Peitz and Waelbroeck (2003)) The harm caused by piracy also depends on publishers pricing strategies. When it seems more beneficial for potential shoppers to resort to private copying, publishers could raise the price of the legitimate item to extract the increased consumer surplus. If this happens, directly treating all pirated copies as lost sales would overstate the harm caused by piracy. However, similarly, if publishers deliberately set low prices to discourage copying, then the number of copies would understate the lost revenue (Kai-Lung et al (2003)) There are two ways of copying non-authorized digital products; by obtaining original material from family or friends, or by downloading it directly from the internet. The process of copying music, film or software is very easy, all someone needs is the product and a storage device like a hard-drive or cd-recorder. Digital goods also copy across perfectly when coming direct from the source. On the other hand, downloading from P2P file-sharing websites has a number of considerable disadvantages. Lower quality copies are generally produced and users can spend hours looking for the right download file. Also, frequently, due to the lack of install guides for software and lack of song lyrics, this effort can lead to wasted time. Lastly, files such as music and video files can be badly compressed or incomplete. (Martin Peitz et al (2003)) Literature Review To illegally copy or distribute unauthorized or counterfeit music, video or software of any type is known as internet piracy. Software is now one of the most heavily distributed products on the internet (, 2010). This, now a criminal offence, includes the illegal reproduction and duplication of copyrighted computer software, music and films (Hohn, Muftic, Wolf, (2006)). However the biggest problem in this digital time we live in, as stated by Lysonski Durvasula, (2008), is the undoubtable fact that the process of downloading music over the internet is reasonably easy. With just a few clicks of a button you can download an artists entire discography, and with the speed of internet access these days it is on your computer in a matter of minutes. Piracy is most rampant in young people. As seen in the survey conducted by Gallup Poll (2003), 83% of the young people said that downloading of music for free was totally acceptable. In another survey conducted by Freestone and Mitchell (2004) evidence was found to suggest that downloading music was seen as least wrong of other criminal internet acts, because they felt no harm was being done to others. It was also found the majority of college students said that downloading music and films was neither an offence or illegal. (T. Ramayah, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Lau Guek Chin, May-Chiun, Lo (2009)) This is mostly because of the creation of these P2P networks like Bit-comet the Pirate Bay and the total digitalisation of music, video and software. It is my belief that because of this process of digitalisation the sale of CDs around the world has declined. Most reports seem to suggest that P2P networks have a direct negative impact on the digital industry, be it music or games. Essentially, there are four communication channels that can be used for Internet piracy: The World Wide Web, a normalised set of standards for storing, getting and displaying information in a client/server environment. FTP (File Transport Protocol) a protocol for getting and sending files from a remote computer. Peer to Peer computing (P2P), a form of distributed processing that links computers via the Internet or pirate networks so that they can share processing tasks. Electronic Mail (e-mail), used for the computer-to-computer exchange of messages and usually the pirated files are sent as attachments, limited to 25mb using Googles Gmail. (T. Ramayah et al (2009)) Such huge losses dilute the incentive for development of information product. However, the losses claimed by the computer software and recorded music industries may be excessive. If piracy could be prevented, many of those who used pirated products might not switch to buying the legitimate item. Instead, they might simply not use the product. With no reduction in price, it is not likely for all the illegal users to switch to the legitimate item. (Kai-Lung et al (2003) Here in Table 1 which was conducted by Kai-Lung et al (2003), reports a very descriptive set of statistics. Consumption of music CDs per capita were a little more than one unit per year, while around 12% owned CD players. The standard deviation of personal disposable income and CD player ownership were large (Table 1) this indicted that the countries in question had different demographic characteristics and income. Worldwide MTV subscription was low per capita, but over the years has started to grow steadily. This leads us into Table 2 which reports the music CD average price and per capita consumption of pirated and legitimate CDs over a range of countries around the world. As seen in (table 2) the demand for both legitimate and pirated CDs varied across the countries with India having the lowest per capita purchase of legitimate music CDs and the United States having the highest. The consumption of pirated CDs was this time, highest in both Singapore and Hong Kong with the United Stated being the lowest. With a few exceptions (e.g., India and Japan), the average price of music CDs varied moderately across the countries. Kai-Lung et al (2003) Hui, Kai-Lung, and I.P.L. Png (2003) Piracy and the Legitimate Demand for Recorded Music, Contributions to Economic Analysis Policy. Peitz and Waelbroeck 2003 The Effect of Internet Piracy on Music Sales: Cross-Section Evidence, Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, 2004 Hohn, D. A., Muftic,L. R., Wolf, K. 2006. Swashbuckling Students: An Exploratory Study of Internet Piracy. Lysonski, S., Durvasula, S. 2008. Digital piracy of MP3: Consumer and ethical predispositions. Journal of Consumer Marketing. T. Ramayah, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Lau Guek Chin, May-Chiun, Lo 2009 Testing a Causal Model of Internet Piracy Behavior Among University Students Gallup Poll. 2003. Moral Acceptability of Downloading Music for Free. Gallup Youth Survey. Freestone, O., Mitchell, W. 2004. Generation Y Attitudes towards E-ethics and Internetrelated Misbehaviours. Journal of Business Ethics

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Psychodynamic Counselling Concept Essay

In this essay I mainly discuss the theory and concepts behind psychodynamic counselling, followed by brief discussions of the practice and skills involved in working as a psychodynamic counsellor, and the client’s experience of counselling. Theory/concepts Psychodynamic counselling is mainly concerned with unconscious processes; it takes for granted that humans possess a largely unconscious inner world. Freud argued that while the conscious mind is governed by logic, the unconscious mind is not, and functions in a very literal way, motivated only to experience pleasure, unable to delay gratification. Although Psychodynamic counselling works with the conscious mind, it mainly focuses on unconscious processes. We have key figures in our lives – e.g. parents, carers, and partners – are referred to as ‘objects’, and relationships with them termed ‘object relationships’. The phrase ‘object’ refers to the Freudian concept of the target, or object of the instinct. Object relationships embody not only actual relationships but also the ways that the conscious mind distorts them. The unconscious is viewed as dynamic and purposeful, having huge impact on emotions and behaviour. Psychodynamic theory posits that humans are driven by a need to remain unaware of uncomfortable truths that emerge from the unconscious, experiencing many conflicting needs and demands, e.g. between one’s own wishes and those of others. To deal with conflicts people develop ‘defences’, these include ‘repression’, a form of forgetting, ‘denial’, claiming that something is not upsetting when really it is, and ‘rationalisation’, where a story is created to account for that which feels uncomfortable. ‘Projection’ involves attributing to others characteristics unacceptable to the self, making assumptions about them based on the need to avoid threat. Psychodynamic counselling encourages the client to recognise and accept the troubling attribute, a process called ‘reintrojection’. To engage in projection a defence mechanism called, ‘splitting’, is used when one is finding it too  threatening to accept two opposing traits, such as being capable of both love and hate. It is natural to develop defences, but problems come with their overuse, e.g. using denial so often that problems are not faced. Applying defences too rigidly causes difficulties, and it’s when they start to disintegrate that individuals might seek counselling. Psychodynamic counselling holds that psychological symptoms emerge from the inner world. e.g., developmental problems or conflict may lead to anxiety or self-harm. The psychodynamic approach seeks to address these issues at their roots, as well as alleviating symptoms. Psychodynamic counselling is based on developmental theory, and asserts that childhood experiences affect adult personality. It is understood that episodic memory is physically unavailable to children under three, but that implicit memory and body memory function from an earlier age. Neuroscience now supports the concept that early emotional experiences influence brain development; the psychodynamic approach posits that the client-counsellor relationship is crucial to the process of change. This is considered in terms of three concepts, the first being transference: â€Å"All those impulses experienced by the patient in relation with the analyst which are not newly created by the objective analytic situation but have their source in early – indeed, the very earliest – object relations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The counsellor may become aware of feelings in him/herself indicating issues that the client is unable to express; this is ‘counter transference’. The ‘real relationship’ is that which is free of the previous two dynamics. Within the client-counsellor relationship, elements of the client’s inner world can be revealed and become available for healing (Howard, 2011, p.22-25) Practice/skills Psychodynamic counselling employs a number of basic skills that are common to other approaches. It shares the core values of the Rogerian approach: empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard. The ability to listen is of course crucial. Summarising and reflecting back to the client what s/he has said are necessary skills, as well as being able to say things that the client will find difficult to hear. The following are skills specific to Psychodynamic counselling; Gaining informed consent involves informing the client of the nature, risks and benefits of counselling at the appropriate time; not so soon as to scare him/her away, but in good time. For this purpose it is advisable for the counsellor to be aware of when the assessment phase is concluding, as this is the best time to invite informed consent. The counsellor’s attention to the client is one element that facilitates change. The counsellor must alternate between close listening to the client and attention to how s/he will respond, alert to transference and counter transference. To be aware of both the conscious and unconscious elements of the client’s communication, the counsellor must practice ‘evenly suspended attention’. The counsellor must listen to unconscious communication as well as the explicit information the client is presenting. This includes being able to consider why the client is behaving and speaking as they are, linking this to issues arising in transference, and being able to raise such issues with the client. The counsellor will also make interpretations based on ‘extra transference’ – grasping connections between events, thoughts and behaviour unrelated to the client-counsellor relationship. The client’s experience Initially a client experiences the formal behaviour of the counsellor, sessions have boundaries of time, space, and confidentiality and these factors contribute to a sense of safety and predictability. The client should come to feel ‘held’ by the counselling experience, enabling him/her to feel able to explore painful issues and memories: â€Å"a safe space to lower one’s defences, be vulnerable and be held together.† Receiving a counsellor’s undivided attention contributes to this; Dibs In Search of Self illustrates an emotionally deprived child’s first experiences of undivided and non-judgemental attention, enabling him to blossom in self-discovery. A client goes through a process of developing informed consent, the transference relationship begins once enough trust is established, as it may be experienced as threatening. The client develops an attachment to the counsellor as someone who can help and care for them, and thus may become fearful both of their own needs and of being let down .The ending of the relationship can be painful for the client, and the counsellor should allow plenty of time to deal with issues around this. In conclusion, psychodynamic counselling functions to bring to awareness of the unconscious processes that govern the client’s inner life. A variety of practices are employed in order to supply a client with a sense of security as well as a source of challenge in order to facilitate positive change. References AXLINE, V. M., 1990. Dibs, In Search of Self. London: Penguin FREUD, A., 1937. The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence. London: Hogarth HOWARD, S., 2011. Psychodynamic Counselling in a Nutshell. 2nd edition. London: Sage. HOWE, D., 1993. On Being a Client. London: Sage

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Sage 50 Accounting Software Tutorial

Sage Tutorial Release 5. 3 The Sage Development Team September 10, 2012 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1. 1 Installation 1. 2 Ways to Use Sage . . 1. 3 Longterm Goals for Sage . . 3 4 4 4 7 7 9 10 13 18 21 24 26 29 33 38 39 41 51 51 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 65 65 66 67 68 2 A Guided Tour 2. 1 Assignment, Equality, and Arithmetic 2. Getting Help . 2. 3 Functions, Indentation, and Counting 2. 4 Basic Algebra and Calculus . . 2. 5 Plotting . 2. 6 Some Common Issues with Functions 2. 7 Basic Rings . . 2. 8 Linear Algebra 2. 9 Polynomials . 2. 10 Parents, Conversion and Coercion . . 2. 11 Finite Groups, Abelian Groups . 2. 12 Number Theory . . 2. 13 Some More Advanced Mathematics 3 The Interactive Shell 3. 1 Your Sage Session . . 3. 2 Logging Input and Output . 3. 3 Paste Ignores Prompts 3. 4 Timing Commands . . 3. 5 Other IPython tricks . 3. 6 Errors and Exceptions 3. 7 Reverse Search and Tab Completion . . 3. 8 Integrated Help System . 3. 9 Saving and Loading Individual Objects 3. 10 Savi ng and Loading Complete Sessions 3. 11 The Notebook Interface . . 4 Interfaces 4. 1 GP/PARI 4. 2 GAP . . 4. 3 Singular . 4. 4 Maxima i 5 Sage, LaTeX and Friends 5. 1 Overview . . 5. 2 Basic Use . . 5. 3 Customizing LaTeX Generation . . 5. 4 Customizing LaTeX Processing . . 5. 5 An Example: Combinatorial Graphs with tkz-graph . 5. 6 A Fully Capable TeX Installation . 5. 7 External Programs . 71 71 72 73 75 76 77 77 79 79 80 81 81 82 84 85 86 86 88 91 93 93 94 95 97 97 99 101 103 105 6 Programming 6. 1 Loading and Attaching Sage ? les 6. 2 Creating Compiled Code . 6. 3 Standalone Python/Sage Scripts . 6. 4 Data Types 6. 5 Lists, Tuples, and Sequences 6. 6 Dictionaries 6. 7 Sets . 6. 8 Iterators . . 6. 9 Loops, Functions, Control Statements, and Comparisons 6. 10 Pro? ling . 7 Using SageTeX 8 . . Afterword 8. 1 Why Python? . . 8. I would like to contribute somehow. How can I? . 8. 3 How do I reference Sage? . 9 Appendix 9. 1 Arithmetical binary operator precedence . . 10 Bibliography 1 1 Indices and tables Bibliography Index ii Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 Sage is free, open-source math software that supports research and teaching in algebra, geometry, number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, and related areas. Both the Sage development model and the technology in Sage itself are distinguished by an extremely strong emphasis on openness, community, cooperation, and collaboration: we are building the car, not reinventing the wheel. The overall goal of Sage is to create a viable, free, open-source alternative to Maple, Mathematica, Magma, and MATLAB. This tutorial is the best way to become familiar with Sage in only a few hours. You can read it in HTML or PDF versions, or from the Sage notebook (click Help, then click Tutorial to interactively work through the tutorial from within Sage). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3. 0 License. CONTENTS 1 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 2 CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION This tutorial should take at most 3-4 hours to fully work through. You can read it in HTML or PDF versions, or from the Sage notebook click Help, then click Tutorial to interactively work through the tutorial from within Sage. Though much of Sage is implemented using Python, no Python background is needed to read this tutorial. You will want to learn Python (a very fun language! ) at some point, and there are many excellent free resources for doing so including [PyT] and [Dive]. If you just want to quickly try out Sage, this tutorial is the place to start. For example: sage: 2 + 2 4 sage: factor(-2007) -1 * 3^2 * 223 sage: A = matrix(4,4, range(16)); A [ 0 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6 7] [ 8 9 10 11] [12 13 14 15] sage: factor(A. charpoly()) x^2 * (x^2 – 30*x – 80) sage: m = matrix(ZZ,2, range(4)) sage: m[0,0] = m[0,0] – 3 sage: m [-3 1] [ 2 3] sage: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5]); sage: E Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + 3*y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 4*x + 5 over Rational Field sage: E. anlist(10) [0, 1, 1, 0, -1, -3, 0, -1, -3, -3, -3] sage: E. ank() 1 sage: k = 1/(sqrt(3)*I + 3/4 + sqrt(73)*5/9); k 1/(I*sqrt(3) + 5/9*sqrt(73) + 3/4) sage: N(k) 0. 165495678130644 – 0. 0521492082074256*I sage: N(k,30) # 30 â€Å"bits† 0. 16549568 – 0. 052149208*I sage: latex(k) frac{1}{i , sqrt{3} + frac{5}{9} , sqrt{73} + frac{3}{4}} 3 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 1. 1 Installation If you do not have Sage installed on a computer and just want to try s ome commands, use online at http://www. sagenb. org. See the Sage Installation Guide in the documentation section of the main Sage webpage [SA] for instructions on installing Sage on your computer. Here we merely make a few comments. 1. The Sage download ? le comes with â€Å"batteries included†. In other words, although Sage uses Python, IPython, PARI, GAP, Singular, Maxima, NTL, GMP, and so on, you do not need to install them separately as they are included with the Sage distribution. However, to use certain Sage features, e. g. , Macaulay or KASH, you must install the relevant optional package or at least have the relevant programs installed on your computer already. Macaulay and KASH are Sage packages (for a list of available optional packages, type sage -optional, or browse the â€Å"Download† page on the Sage website). . The pre-compiled binary version of Sage (found on the Sage web site) may be easier and quicker to install than the source code version. Just unpack the ? le and run sage. 3. If you’d like to use the SageTeX package (which allows you to embed the results of Sage computations into a LaTeX ? le), you will need to make SageTeX known to yo ur TeX distribution. To do this, see the section â€Å"Make SageTeX known to TeX† in the Sage installation guide (this link should take you to a local copy of the installation guide). It’s quite easy; you just need to set an environment variable or copy a single ? e to a directory that TeX will search. The documentation for using SageTeX is located in $SAGE_ROOT/local/share/texmf/tex/generic/sagetex/, where â€Å"$SAGE_ROOT† refers to the directory where you installed Sage – for example, /opt/sage-4. 2. 1. 1. 2 Ways to Use Sage You can use Sage in several ways. †¢ Notebook graphical interface: see the section on the Notebook in the reference manual and The Notebook Interface below, †¢ Interactive command line: see The Interactive Shell, †¢ Programs: By writing interpreted and compiled programs in Sage (see Loading and Attaching Sage ? es and Creating Compiled Code), and †¢ Scripts: by writing stand-alone Python scripts that use the Sag e library (see Standalone Python/Sage Scripts). 1. 3 Longterm Goals for Sage †¢ Useful: Sage’s intended audience is mathematics students (from high school to graduate school), teachers, and research mathematicians. The aim is to provide software that can be used to explore and experiment with mathematical constructions in algebra, geometry, number theory, calculus, numerical computation, etc. Sage helps make it easier to interactively experiment with mathematical objects. Ef? cient: Be fast. Sage uses highly-optimized mature software like GMP, PARI, GAP, and NTL, and so is very fast at certain operations. †¢ Free and open source: The source code must be freely available and readable, so users can understand what the system is really doing and more easily extend it. Just as mathematicians gain a deeper understanding of a theorem by carefully reading or at least skimming the proof, people who do computations should be able to understand how the calculations work by re ading documented source code. If you use Sage to do computations 4 Chapter 1. Introduction Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 in a paper you publish, you can rest assured that your readers will always have free access to Sage and all its source code, and you are even allowed to archive and re-distribute the version of Sage you used. †¢ Easy to compile: Sage should be easy to compile from source for Linux, OS X and Windows users. This provides more ? exibility for users to modify the system. †¢ Cooperation: Provide robust interfaces to most other computer algebra systems, including PARI, GAP, Singular, Maxima, KASH, Magma, Maple, and Mathematica. Sage is meant to unify and extend existing math software. †¢ Well documented: Tutorial, programming guide, reference manual, and how-to, with numerous examples and discussion of background mathematics. †¢ Extensible: Be able to de? ne new data types or derive from built-in types, and use code written in a range of languages. †¢ User friendly: It should be easy to understand what functionality is provided for a given object and to view documentation and source code. Also attain a high level of user support. 1. 3. Longterm Goals for Sage 5 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 6 Chapter 1. Introduction CHAPTER TWO A GUIDED TOUR This section is a guided tour of some of what is available in Sage. For many more examples, see â€Å"Sage Constructions†, which is intended to answer the general question â€Å"How do I construct ? †. See also the â€Å"Sage Reference Manual†, which has thousands more examples. Also note that you can interactively work through this tour in the Sage notebook by clicking the Help link. (If you are viewing the tutorial in the Sage notebook, press shift-enter to evaluate any input cell. You can even edit the input before pressing shift-enter. On some Macs you might have to press shift-return rather than shift-enter. ) 2. 1 Assignment, Equality, and Arithmetic With some minor exceptions, Sage uses the Python programming language, so most introductory books on Python will help you to learn Sage. Sage uses = for assignment. It uses ==, =, < and > for comparison: sage: sage: 5 sage: True sage: False sage: True sage: True a = 5 a 2 == 2 2 == 3 2 < 3 a == 5 Sage provides all of the basic mathematical operations: age: 8 sage: 8 sage: 1 sage: 5/2 sage: 2 sage: True 2**3 2^3 10 % 3 10/4 10//4 # for integer arguments, // returns the integer quotient # # # ** means exponent ^ is a synonym for ** (unlike in Python) for integer arguments, % means mod, i. e. , remainder 4 * (10 // 4) + 10 % 4 == 10 7 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: 3^2*4 + 2%5 38 The computation of an expression like 3^2*4 + 2%5 depends on the order in which the operations are applied; this is speci? ed in the â€Å"operator precedence table† in Arithmetical binary operator precedence. Sage also provides many familiar mathematical functions; here are just a few examples: sage: sqrt(3. ) 1. 84390889145858 sage: sin(5. 135) -0. 912021158525540 sage: sin(pi/3) 1/2*sqrt(3) As the last example shows, some mathematical expressions return ‘exact’ values, rather than numerical approximations. To get a numerical approximation, use either the function n or the method n (and both of these have a longer name, numerical_approx, and the function N is the same as n)). These take optional arguments prec, which is the requested number of bits of precision, and digits, which is the requested number of decimal digits of precision; the default is 53 bits of precision. sage: exp(2) e^2 sage: n(exp(2)) 7. 8905609893065 sage: sqrt(pi). numerical_approx() 1. 77245385090552 sage: sin(10). n(digits=5) -0. 54402 sage: N(sin(10),digits=10) -0. 5440211109 sage: numerical_approx(pi, prec=200) 3. 14 15926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749 Python is dynamically typed, so the value referred to by each variable has a type associated with it, but a given variable may hold values of any Python type within a given scope: sage: sage: The C programming language, which is statically typed, is much different; a variable declared to hold an int can only hold an int in its scope. A potential source of confusion in Python is that an integer literal that begins with a zero is treated as an octal number, i. e. , a number in base 8. sage: 9 sage: 9 sage: sage: ’11’ 011 8 + 1 n = 011 n. str(8) # string representation of n in base 8 8 Chapter 2. A Guided Tour Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 This is consistent with the C programming language. 2. 2 Getting Help Sage has extensive built-in documentation, accessible by typing the name of a function or a constant (for example), followed by a question mark: sage: tan? Type: Definition: Docstring: tan( [noargspec] ) The tangent function EXAMPLES: sage: tan(pi) 0 sage: tan(3. 1415) -0. 0000926535900581913 sage: tan(3. 1415/4) 0. 999953674278156 sage: tan(pi/4) 1 sage: tan(1/2) tan(1/2) sage: RR(tan(1/2)) 0. 546302489843790 sage: log2? Type: Definition: log2( [noargspec] ) Docstring: The natural logarithm of the real number 2. EXAMPLES: sage: log2 log2 sage: float(log2) 0. 69314718055994529 sage: RR(log2) 0. 693147180559945 sage: R = RealField(200); R Real Field with 200 bits of precision sage: R(log2) 0. 9314718055994530941723212145817656807550013436025525412068 sage: l = (1-log2)/(1+log2); l (1 – log(2))/(log(2) + 1) sage: R(l) 0. 18123221829928249948761381864650311423330609774776013488056 sage: maxima(log2) log(2) sage: maxima(log2). float() . 6931471805599453 sage: gp(log2) 0. 6931471805599453094172321215 # 32-bit 0. 69314718055994530941723212145817656807 # 64-bit sage: sudoku? 2. 2. Getting Help 9 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 File: Type: D efinition: Docstring: sage/local/lib/python2. 5/site-packages/sage/games/sudoku. py sudoku(A) Solve the 9Ãâ€"9 Sudoku puzzle defined by the matrix A. EXAMPLE: sage: A = matrix(ZZ,9,[5,0,0, 0,8,0, 0,4,9, 0,0,0, 5,0,0, 0,3,0, 0,6,7, 3,0,0, 0,0,1, 1,5,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 2,0,8, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,1,8, 7,0,0, 0,0,4, 1,5,0, 0,3,0, 0,0,2, 0,0,0, 4,9,0, 0,5,0, 0,0,3]) sage: A [5 0 0 0 8 0 0 4 9] [0 0 0 5 0 0 0 3 0] [0 6 7 3 0 0 0 0 1] [1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 2 0 8 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8] [7 0 0 0 0 4 1 5 0] [0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0] [4 9 0 0 5 0 0 0 3] sage: sudoku(A) [5 1 3 6 8 7 2 4 9] [8 4 9 5 2 1 6 3 7] [2 6 7 3 4 9 5 8 1] [1 5 8 4 6 3 9 7 2] [9 7 4 2 1 8 3 6 5] [3 2 6 7 9 5 4 1 8] [7 8 2 9 3 4 1 5 6] [6 3 5 1 7 2 8 9 4] [4 9 1 8 5 6 7 2 3] Sage also provides ‘Tab completion’: type the ? rst few letters of a function and then hit the tab key. For example, if you type ta followed by TAB, Sage will print tachyon, tan, tanh, taylor. This provides a good way to ? nd the names of functions and other structures in Sage. 2. 3 Functions, Indentation, and Counting To de? ne a new function in Sage, use the def command and a colon after the list of variable names. For example: sage: def is_even(n): return n%2 == 0 sage: is_even(2) True sage: is_even(3) False Note: Depending on which version of the tutorial you are viewing, you may see three dots n the second line of this example. Do not type them; they are just to emphasize that the code is indented. Whenever this is the case, press [Return/Enter] once at the end of the block to insert a blank line and conclude the function de? nition. You do not specify the types of any of the input arguments. You can specify multiple inputs, each of which may have an optional defaul t value. For example, the function below defaults to divisor=2 if divisor is not speci? ed. 10 Chapter 2. A Guided Tour Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: sage: True sage: True sage: False ef is_divisible_by(number, divisor=2): return number%divisor == 0 is_divisible_by(6,2) is_divisible_by(6) is_divisible_by(6, 5) You can also explicitly specify one or either of the inputs when calling the function; if you specify the inputs explicitly, you can give them in any order: sage: is_divisible_by(6, divisor=5) False sage: is_divisible_by(divisor=2, number=6) True In Python, blocks of code are not indicated by curly braces or begin and end blocks as in many other languages. Instead, blocks of code are indicated by indentation, which must match up exactly. For example, the following is a syntax error because the return statement is not indented the same amount as the other lines above it. sage: def even(n): v = [] for i in range(3,n): if i % 2 == 0: v. append(i) return v Syntax Error: return v If you ? x the indentation, the function works: sage: def even(n): v = [] for i in range(3,n): if i % 2 == 0: v. append(i) return v sage: even(10) [4, 6, 8] Semicolons are not needed at the ends of lines; a line is in most cases ended by a newline. However, you can put multiple statements on one line, separated by semicolons: sage: a = 5; b = a + 3; c = b^2; c 64 If you would like a single line of code to span multiple lines, use a terminating backslash: sage: 2 + 3 5 In Sage, you count by iterating over a range of integers. For example, the ? rst line below is exactly like for(i=0; i x^2 sage: g(3) 9 sage: Dg = g. derivative(); Dg x |–> 2*x sage: Dg(3) 6 sage: type(g) sage: plot(g, 0, 2) Note that while g is a callable symbolic expression, g(x) is a related, but different sort of object, which can also be plotted, differentated, etc. , albeit with some issues: see item 5 below for an illustration. sage: x^2 sage: g(x). derivative() plot(g(x), 0, 2) 3. Use a pre-de? ed Sage ‘calculus function’. These can be plotted, and with a little help, differentiated, and integrated. sage: type(sin) sage: plot(sin, 0, 2) sage: type(sin(x)) sage: plot(sin(x), 0, 2) By itself, sin cannot be differentiated, at least not to produce cos. sage: f = sin sage: f. derivative() Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: Using f = sin(x) instead of sin works, but it is probably even better to use f(x) = sin(x) to de? ne a callable symbolic expression. sage: S(x) = sin(x) sage: S. derivative() x |–> cos(x) Here are some common problems, with explanations: 4. Accidental evaluation. sage: def h(x): f x 1 to 0. sage: G = DirichletGroup(12) sage: G. list() [Dirichlet character modulo 12 of conductor 1 mapping 7 |–> 1, 5 |–> 1, Dirichlet character modulo 12 of conductor 4 mapping 7 |–> -1, 5 |–> 1, Dirichlet character modulo 12 of conductor 3 mapping 7 |–> 1, 5 |–> -1, Dirichlet character modulo 12 of conductor 12 mapping 7 |–> -1, 5 |–> -1] sage: G. gens() (Dirichlet character modulo 12 of conductor 4 mapping 7 |–> -1, 5 |–> 1, Dirichlet character modulo 12 of conductor 3 mapping 7 |–> 1, 5 |–> -1) sage: len(G) 4 Having created the group, we next create an element and compute with it. age: G = DirichletGroup(21) sage: chi = G. 1; c hi Dirichlet character modulo 21 of conductor 7 mapping 8 |–> 1, 10 |–> zeta6 sage: chi. values() [0, 1, zeta6 – 1, 0, -zeta6, -zeta6 + 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, zeta6, -zeta6, 0, -1, 0, 0, zeta6 – 1, zeta6, 0, -zeta6 + 1, -1] sage: chi. conductor() 7 sage: chi. modulus() 21 sage: chi. order() 6 sage: chi(19) -zeta6 + 1 sage: chi(40) -zeta6 + 1 It is also possible to compute the action of the Galois group Gal(Q(? N )/Q) on these characters, as well as the direct product decomposition corresponding to the factorization of the modulus. sage: chi. alois_orbit() [Dirichlet character modulo 21 of conductor 7 mapping 8 |–> 1, 10 |–> zeta6, 2. 13. Some More Advanced Mathematics 45 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 Dirichlet character modulo 21 of conductor 7 mapping 8 |–> 1, 10 |–> -zeta6 + 1] sage: go = G. galois_orbits() sage: [len(orbit) for orbit in go] [1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1] sage: [ Group 6 and Group 6 and ] G. decomposition() of Dirichlet char acters of modulus 3 over Cyclotomic Field of order degree 2, of Dirichlet characters of modulus 7 over Cyclotomic Field of order degree 2 Next, we construct the group of Dirichlet characters mod 20, but with values n Q(i): sage: sage: sage: Group K. = NumberField(x^2+1) G = DirichletGroup(20,K) G of Dirichlet characters of modulus 20 over Number Field in i with defining polynomial x^2 + 1 We next compute several invariants of G: sage: G. gens() (Dirichlet character modulo 20 of conductor 4 mapping 11 |–> -1, 17 |–> 1, Dirichlet character modulo 20 of conductor 5 mapping 11 |–> 1, 17 |–> i) sage: G. unit_gens() [11, 17] sage: G. zeta() i sage: G. zeta_order() 4 In this example we create a Dirichlet character with values in a number ? eld. We explicitly specify the choice of root of unity by the third argument to DirichletGroup below. age: x = polygen(QQ, ’x’) sage: K = NumberField(x^4 + 1, ’a’); a = K. 0 sage: b = K. gen(); a == b True sage: K Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^4 + 1 sage: G = DirichletGroup(5, K, a); G Group of Dirichlet characters of modulus 5 over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^4 + 1 sage: chi = G. 0; chi Dirichlet character modulo 5 of conductor 5 mapping 2 |–> a^2 sage: [(chi^i)(2) for i in range(4)] [1, a^2, -1, -a^2] Here NumberField(x^4 + 1, ’a’) tells Sage to use the symbol â€Å"a† in printing what K is (a Number Field in a with de? ning polynomial x4 + 1). The name â€Å"a† is undeclared at this point. Once a = K. 0 (or equivalently a = K. gen()) is evaluated, the symbol â€Å"a† represents a root of the generating polynomial x4 + 1. 46 Chapter 2. A Guided Tour Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 2. 13. 4 Modular Forms Sage can do some computations related to modular forms, including dimensions, computing spaces of modular symbols, Hecke operators, and decompositions. There are several functions available for computing dimensions of spaces of modular forms. For example, sage: dimension_cusp_forms(Gamma0(11),2) 1 sage: dimension_cusp_forms(Gamma0(1),12) 1 sage: dimension_cusp_forms(Gamma1(389),2) 6112 Next we illustrate computation of Hecke operators on a space of modular symbols of level 1 and weight 12. sage: M = ModularSymbols(1,12) sage: M. basis() ([X^8*Y^2,(0,0)], [X^9*Y,(0,0)], [X^10,(0,0)]) sage: t2 = M. T(2) sage: t2 Hecke operator T_2 on Modular Symbols space of dimension 3 for Gamma_0(1) of weight 12 with sign 0 over Rational Field sage: t2. matrix() [ -24 0 0] [ 0 -24 0] [4860 0 2049] sage: f = t2. charpoly(’x’); f x^3 – 2001*x^2 – 97776*x – 1180224 sage: factor(f) (x – 2049) * (x + 24)^2 sage: M. T(11). charpoly(’x’). factor() (x – 285311670612) * (x – 534612)^2 We can also create spaces for ? 0 (N ) and ? 1 (N ). sage: ModularSymbols(11,2) Modular Symbols space of dimension 3 for Gamma_0(11) of weight 2 with sign 0 over Rational Field sage: ModularSymbols(Gamma1(11),2) Modular Symbols space of dimension 11 for Gamma_1(11) of weight 2 with sign 0 and over Rational Field Let’s compute some characteristic polynomials and q-expansions. sage: M = ModularSymbols(Gamma1(11),2) sage: M. T(2). charpoly(’x’) x^11 – 8*x^10 + 20*x^9 + 10*x^8 – 145*x^7 + 229*x^6 + 58*x^5 – 360*x^4 + 70*x^3 – 515*x^2 + 1804*x – 1452 sage: M. T(2). charpoly(’x’). actor() (x – 3) * (x + 2)^2 * (x^4 – 7*x^3 + 19*x^2 – 23*x + 11) * (x^4 – 2*x^3 + 4*x^2 + 2*x + 11) sage: S = M. cuspidal_submodule() sage: S. T(2). matrix() [-2 0] [ 0 -2] sage: S. q_expansion_basis(10) [ q – 2*q^2 – q^3 + 2*q^4 + q^5 + 2*q^6 – 2*q^7 – 2*q^9 + O(q^10) ] 2. 13. Some More A dvanced Mathematics 47 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 We can even compute spaces of modular symbols with character. sage: G = DirichletGroup(13) sage: e = G. 0^2 sage: M = ModularSymbols(e,2); M Modular Symbols space of dimension 4 and level 13, weight 2, character [zeta6], sign 0, over Cyclotomic Field of order 6 and degree 2 sage: M. T(2). charpoly(’x’). factor() (x – 2*zeta6 – 1) * (x – zeta6 – 2) * (x + zeta6 + 1)^2 sage: S = M. cuspidal_submodule(); S Modular Symbols subspace of dimension 2 of Modular Symbols space of dimension 4 and level 13, weight 2, character [zeta6], sign 0, over Cyclotomic Field of order 6 and degree 2 sage: S. T(2). charpoly(’x’). factor() (x + zeta6 + 1)^2 sage: S. q_expansion_basis(10) [ q + (-zeta6 – 1)*q^2 + (2*zeta6 – 2)*q^3 + zeta6*q^4 + (-2*zeta6 + 1)*q^5 + (-2*zeta6 + 4)*q^6 + (2*zeta6 – 1)*q^8 – zeta6*q^9 + O(q^10) ] Here is another example of how Sage can compute the action of Hecke operators on a space of modular forms. sage: T = ModularForms(Gamma0(11),2) sage: T Modular Forms space of dimension 2 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11) of weight 2 over Rational Field sage: T. degree() 2 sage: T. level() 11 sage: T. group() Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11) sage: T. dimension() 2 sage: T. cuspidal_subspace() Cuspidal subspace of dimension 1 of Modular Forms space of dimension 2 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11) of weight 2 over Rational Field sage: T. isenstein_subspace() Eisenstein subspace of dimension 1 of Modular Forms space of dimension 2 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma0(11) of weight 2 over Rational Field sage: M = ModularSymbols(11); M Modular Symbols space of dimension 3 for Gamma_0(11) of weight 2 with sign 0 over Rational Field sage: M. weight() 2 sage: M. basis() ((1,0), (1,8), (1,9)) sage: M. sign() 0 Let Tp denote the usual Hecke operators (p prime). How do the Hecke operators T2 , T3 , T5 act on the space of modular symbols? sage: M. T(2). matrix() [ 3 0 -1] [ 0 -2 0] [ 0 0 -2] sage: M. T(3). matrix() [ 4 0 -1] 8 Chapter 2. A Guided Tour Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 [ 0 -1 0] [ 0 0 -1] sage: M. T(5). matrix() [ 6 0 -1] [ 0 1 0] [ 0 0 1] 2. 13. Some More Advanced Mathematics 49 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 50 Chapter 2. A Guided Tour CHAPTER THREE THE INTERACTIVE SHELL In most of this tutorial, we assume you start the Sage interpreter using the sage command. This starts a customized version of the IPython shell, and imports many functions and classes, so they are ready to use from the command prompt. Further customization is possible by editing the $SAGE_ROOT/ipythonrc ? le. Upon starting Sage, you get output similar to the following: ———————————————————————| SAGE Version 3. 1. 1, Release Date: 2008-05-24 | | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. | ———————————————————————- sage: To quit Sage either press Ctrl-D or type quit or exit. sage: quit Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0. 00s, Wall time 0m0. 89s) The wall time is the time that elapsed on the clock hanging from your wall. This is relevant, since CPU time does not track time used by subprocesses like GAP or Singular. Avoid killing a Sage process with kill -9 from a terminal, since Sage might not kill child processes, e. g. , Maple processes, or cleanup temporary ? les f rom $HOME/. sage/tmp. ) 3. 1 Your Sage Session The session is the sequence of input and output from when you start Sage until you quit. Sage logs all Sage input, via IPython. In fact, if you’re using the interactive shell (not the notebook interface), then at any point you may type %history (or %hist) to get a listing of all input lines typed so far. You can type ? at the Sage prompt to ? nd out more about IPython, e. g. â€Å"IPython offers numbered prompts with input and output caching. All input is saved and can be retrieved as variables (besides the usual arrow key recall). The following GLOBAL variables always exist (so don’t overwrite them! )†: _: previous input (interactive shell and notebook) __: next previous input (interactive shell only) _oh : list of all inputs (interactive shell only) Here is an example: sage: factor(100) _1 = 2^2 * 5^2 sage: kronecker_symbol(3,5) 51 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 _2 = -1 sage: %hist #This only works from the interacti ve shell, not the notebook. : factor(100) 2: kronecker_symbol(3,5) 3: %hist sage: _oh _4 = {1: 2^2 * 5^2, 2: -1} sage: _i1 _5 = ’factor(ZZ(100)) ’ sage: eval(_i1) _6 = 2^2 * 5^2 sage: %hist 1: factor(100) 2: kronecker_symbol(3,5) 3: %hist 4: _oh 5: _i1 6: eval(_i1) 7: %hist We omit the output numbering in the rest of this tutorial and the other Sage documentation. You can also store a list of input from session in a macro for that session. sage: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5]) sage: M = ModularSymbols(37) sage: %hist 1: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5]) 2: M = ModularSymbols(37) 3: %hist sage: %macro em 1-2 Macro ‘em‘ created. To execute, type its name (without quotes). sage: E Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + 3*y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 4*x + 5 over Rational Field sage: E = 5 sage: M = None sage: em Executing Macro sage: E Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y + 3*y = x^3 + 2*x^2 + 4*x + 5 over Rational Field When using the interactive shell, any UNIX shell command can be executed from Sage by prefacing it by an exclamation point !. For example, sage: ! ls auto example. sage glossary. tex t tmp tut. log tut. tex returns the listing of the current directory. The PATH has the Sage bin directory at the front, so if you run gp, gap, singular, maxima, etc. you get the versions included with Sage. sage: ! gp Reading GPRC: /etc/gprc Done. GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2. 2. 11 (alpha) i686 running linux (ix86/GMP-4. 1. 4 kernel) 32-bit version 52 Chapter 3. The Interactive Shell Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: ! singular SINGULAR A Computer Algebra System for Polynomial Computations 0< by: G. -M. Greuel, G. Pfister, H . Schoenemann FB Mathematik der Universitaet, D-67653 Kaiserslautern October 2005 / / Development version 3-0-1 3. 2 Logging Input and Output Logging your Sage session is not the same as saving it (see Saving and Loading Complete Sessions for that). To log input (and optionally output) use the logstart command. Type logstart? for more details. You can use this command to log all input you type, all output, and even play back that input in a future session (by simply reloading the log ? le). [email  protected]:~$ sage ———————————————————————| SAGE Version 3. 0. 2, Release Date: 2008-05-24 | | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. | ———————————————————————sage: logstart setup Activating auto-logging. Current session state plus future input saved. Filename : setup Mode : backup Output logging : False Timestamping : False State : active sage: E = EllipticCurve([1,2,3,4,5]). minimal_model() sage: F = QQ^3 sage: x,y = QQ[’x,y’]. gens() sage: G = E. gens() sage: Exiting SAGE (CPU time 0m0. 61s, Wall time 0m50. 39s). [email  protected]:~$ sage ———————————————————————| SAGE Version 3. 0. 2, Release Date: 2008-05-24 | | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. | ———————————————————————sage: load â€Å"setup† Loading log file one line at a time Finished replaying log file sage: E Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + x*y = x^3 – x^2 + 4*x + 3 over Rational Field sage: x*y x*y sage: G [(2 : 3 : 1)] If you use Sage in the Linux KDE terminal konsole then you can save your session as follows: after starting Sage in konsole, select â€Å"settings†, then â€Å"history †, then â€Å"set unlimited†. When you are ready to save your session, select â€Å"edit† then â€Å"save history as † and type in a name to save the text of your session to your computer. After saving this ? le, you could then load it into an editor, such as xemacs, and print it. 3. 2. Logging Input and Output 53 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 3. Paste Ignores Prompts Suppose you are reading a session of Sage or Python computations and want to copy them into Sage. But there are annoying >>> or sage: prompts to worry about. In fact, you can copy and paste an example, including the prompts if you want, into Sage. In other words, by de fault the Sage parser strips any leading >>> or sage: prompt before passing it to Python. For example, sage: 2^10 1024 sage: sage: sage: 2^10 1024 sage: >>> 2^10 1024 3. 4 Timing Commands If you place the %time command at the beginning of an input line, the time the command takes to run will be displayed after the output. For example, we can compare the running time for a certain exponentiation operation in several ways. The timings below will probably be much different on your computer, or even between different versions of Sage. First, native Python: sage: %time a = int(1938)^int(99484) CPU times: user 0. 66 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: 0. 66 s Wall time: 0. 66 This means that 0. 66 seconds total were taken, and the â€Å"Wall time†, i. e. , the amount of time that elapsed on your wall clock, is also 0. 66 seconds. If your computer is heavily loaded with other programs, the wall time may be much larger than the CPU time. Next we time exponentiation using the native Sage Integer type, which is implemented (in Cython) using the GMP library: sage: %time a = 1938^99484 CPU times: user 0. 04 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: 0. 04 s Wall time: 0. 04 Using the PARI C-library interface: sage: %time a = pari(1938)^pari(99484) CPU times: user 0. 05 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: 0. 05 s Wall time: 0. 05 GMP is better, but only slightly (as expected, since the version of PARI built for Sage uses GMP for integer arithmetic). You can also time a block of commands using the cputime command, as illustrated below: sage: sage: sage: sage: sage: 0. 4 t = cputime() a = int(1938)^int(99484) b = 1938^99484 c = pari(1938)^pari(99484) cputime(t) # somewhat random output sage: cputime? Return the time in CPU second since SAGE started, or with optional argument t, return the time since time t. 54 Chapter 3. The Interactive Shell Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 INPUT: t — (optional) float, time in CPU seconds OUTPUT: float — time i n CPU seconds The walltime command behaves just like the cputime command, except that it measures wall time. We can also compute the above power in some of the computer algebra systems that Sage includes. In each case we execute a trivial command in the system, in order to start up the server for that program. The most relevant time is the wall time. However, if there is a signi? cant difference between the wall time and the CPU time then this may indicate a performance issue worth looking into. sage: time 1938^99484; CPU times: user 0. 01 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: Wall time: 0. 01 sage: gp(0) 0 sage: time g = gp(’1938^99484’) CPU times: user 0. 00 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: Wall time: 0. 04 sage: maxima(0) 0 sage: time g = maxima(’1938^99484’) CPU times: user 0. 00 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: Wall time: 0. 0 sage: kash(0) 0 sage: time g = kash(’1938^99484’) CPU times: user 0. 00 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: Wall time: 0. 04 sage: mathematica(0) 0 sage: time g = mathematica(’1938^99484’) CPU times: user 0. 00 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: Wall time: 0. 03 sage: maple(0) 0 sage: time g = maple(’1938^99484’) CPU times: user 0. 00 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: Wall time: 0. 11 sage: gap(0) 0 sage: time g = gap. eval(’1938^99484;;’) CPU times: user 0. 00 s, sys: 0. 00 s, total: Wall time: 1. 02 0. 01 s 0. 00 s 0. 00 s 0. 00 s 0. 00 s 0. 00 s 0. 00 s Note that GAP and Maxima are the slowest in this test (this was run on the machine sage. ath. washington. edu). Because of the pexpect interface overhead, it is perhaps unfair to compare these to Sage, which is the fastest. 3. 5 Other IPython tricks As noted above, Sage uses IPython as its front end, and so you can use any of IPython’s commands and features. You can read the full IPython documentation. Meanwhile, here are some fun tricks – these are called â€Å"Magic commands† in IPython: †¢ You can use %bg to run a command in the background, and then use jobs to access the results, as follows. 3. 5. Other IPython tricks 55 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 The comments not tested are here because the %bg syntax doesn’t work well with S age’s automatic testing facility. If you type this in yourself, it should work as written. This is of course most useful with commands which take a while to complete. ) sage: def quick(m): return 2*m sage: %bg quick(20) # not tested Starting job # 0 in a separate thread. sage: jobs. status() # not tested Completed jobs: 0 : quick(20) sage: jobs[0]. result # the actual answer, not tested 40 Note that jobs run in the background don’t use the Sage preparser – see The Pre-Parser: Differences between Sage and Python for more information. One (perhaps awkward) way to get around this would be to run sage: %bg eval(preparse(’quick(20)’)) # not tested It is safer and easier, though, to just use %bg on commands which don’t require the preparser. †¢ You can use %edit (or %ed or ed) to open an editor, if you want to type in some complex code. Before you start Sage, make sure that the EDITOR environment variable is set to your favorite editor (by putting export EDITOR=/usr/bin/emacs or export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim or something similar in the appropriate place, like a . profile ? le). From the Sage prompt, executing %edit will open up the named editor. Then within the editor you can de? e a function: def some_function(n): return n**2 + 3*n + 2 Save and quit from the editor. For the rest of your Sage session, you can then use some_function. If you want to modify it, type %edit some_function from the Sage prompt. †¢ If you have a computation and you want to modify its output for another use, perform the computation and type %rep: this will place the output from the previous command at the Sage prompt, ready for you to edit it. sage: f(x) = cos(x) sage: f(x). derivative(x) -sin(x) At this point, if you type %rep at the Sage prompt, you will get a new Sage prompt, followed by -sin(x), with the cursor at the end of the line. For more, type %quickref to get a quick reference guide to IPython. As of this writing (April 2011), Sage uses version 0. 9. 1 of IPython, and the documentation for its magic commands is available online. 3. 6 Errors and Exceptions When something goes wrong, you will usually see a Python â€Å"exception†. Python even tries to suggest what raised the exception. Often you see the name of the exception, e. g. , NameError or ValueError (see the Python Reference Manual [Py] for a complete list of exceptions). For example, sage: 3_2 ———————————————————–File â€Å"†, line 1 ZZ(3)_2 ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 6 Chapter 3. The Interactive Shell Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: EllipticCurve([0,infinity]) ———————————————— Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œTraceback (most recent call last): TypeError: Unable to coerce Infinity () to Rational The interactive debugger is sometimes useful for understanding what went wrong. You can toggle it on or off using %pdb (the default is off). The prompt ipdb> appears if an exception is raised and the debugger is on. From within the debugger, you can print the state of any local variable, and move up and down the execution stack. For example, sage: %pdb Automatic pdb calling has been turned ON sage: EllipticCurve([1,infinity]) ————————————————————————– Traceback (most recent call last) ipdb> For a list of commands in the debugger, type ? at the ipdb> prompt: ipdb> ? Documented commands (type help ): ======================================== EOF break commands debug h a bt condition disable help alias c cont down ignore args cl continue enable j b clear d exit jump whatis where Miscellaneous help topics: ========================== exec pdb Undocumented commands: ====================== retval rv list n next p pdef pdoc pinfo pp q quit r return s step tbreak u unalias up w Type Ctrl-D or quit to return to Sage. 3. 7 Reverse Search and Tab Completion Reverse search: Type the beginning of a command, then Ctrl-p (or just hit the up arrow key) t o go back to each line you have entered that begins in that way. This works even if you completely exit Sage and restart later. You can also do a reverse search through the history using Ctrl-r. All these features use the readline package, which is available on most ? avors of Linux. To illustrate tab completion, ? st create the three dimensional vector space V = Q3 as follows: sage: V = VectorSpace(QQ,3) sage: V Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field You can also use the following more concise notation: 3. 7. Reverse Search and Tab Completion 57 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: V = QQ^3 Then it is easy to list all member functions for V using tab completion. Just type V. , then type the [tab key] key on your keyboard: sage: V. [tab key] V. _VectorSpace_generic__base_field V. ambient_space V. base_field V. base_ring V. basis V. coordinates V. zero_vector If you type the ? st few letters of a function, then [tab key], you get only functions that begin as indicated. sage: V. i[tab key] V. is_ambient V. is_dense V. is_full V. is_sparse If you wonder what a particular function does, e. g. , the coordinates function, type V. coordinates? for help or V. coordinates for the source code, as explained in the next section. 3. 8 Integrated Help System Sage features an integrated help facility. Type a function name followed by ? for the documentation for that function. sage: V = QQ^3 sage: V. coordinates? Type: instancemethod Base Class: String Form: Namespace: Interactive File: /home/was/s/local/lib/python2. /site-packages/sage/modules/f ree_module. py Definition: V. coordinates(self, v) Docstring: Write v in terms of the basis for self. Returns a list c such that if B is the basis for self, then sum c_i B_i = v. If v is not in self, raises an ArithmeticError exception. EXAMPLES: sage: M = FreeModule(IntegerRing(), 2); M0,M1=M. gens() sage: W = M. submodule([M0 + M1, M0 – 2*M1]) sage: W. coordinates(2*M0-M1) [2, -1] As shown above, the output tells you t he type of the object, the ? le in which it is de? ned, and a useful description of the function with examples that you can paste into your current session. Almost all of these examples are regularly automatically tested to make sure they work and behave exactly as claimed. 58 Chapter 3. The Interactive Shell Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 Another feature that is very much in the spirit of the open source nature of Sage is that if f is a Python function, then typing f displays the source code that de? nes f. For example, sage: V = QQ^3 sage: V. coordinates Type: instancemethod Source: def coordinates(self, v): â€Å"†Ã¢â‚¬  Write $v$ in terms of the basis for self. â€Å"†Ã¢â‚¬  return self. coordinate_vector(v). list() This tells us that all the coordinates function does is call the coordinate_vector function and change the result into a list. What does the coordinate_vector function do? sage: V = QQ^3 sage: V. coordinate_vector def coordinate_vector(self, v): return self. ambient_vector_space()(v) The coordinate_vector function coerces its input into the ambient space, which has the effect of computing the vector of coef? cients of v in terms of V . The space V is already ambient since it’s just Q3 . There is also a coordinate_vector function for subspaces, and it’s different. We create a subspace and see: sage: V = QQ^3; W = V. span_of_basis([V. 0, V. 1]) sage: W. coordinate_vector def coordinate_vector(self, v): â€Å"†Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"†Ã¢â‚¬  # First find the coordinates of v wrt echelon basis. w = self. echelon_coordinate_vector(v) # Next use transformation matrix from echelon basis to # user basis. T = self. echelon_to_user_matrix() return T. linear_combination_of_rows(w) (If you think the implementation is inef? cient, please sign up to help optimize linear algebra. ) You may also type help(command_name) or help(class) for a manpage-like help ? le about a given class. age: help(VectorSpace) Help on class VectorSpace class VectorSpace(__builtin__. object) | Create a Vector Space. | | To create an ambient space over a field with given dimension | using the calling syntax : : When you type q to exit the help system, your session appears just as it was. The help listing does not clutter up your session, unlike the output of function_name? som etimes does. It’s particularly helpful to type 3. 8. Integrated Help System 59 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 help(module_name). For example, vector spaces are de? ned in sage. modules. free_module, so type help(sage. modules. ree_module) for documentation about that whole module. When viewing documentation using help, you can search by typing / and in reverse by typing ?. 3. 9 Saving and Loading Individual Objects Suppose you compute a matrix or worse, a complicated space of modular symbols, and would like to save it for later use. What can you do? There are several approaches that computer algebra systems take to saving individual objects. 1. Save your Game: Only support saving and loading of complete sessions (e. g. , GAP, Magma). 2. Uni? ed Input/Output: Make every object print in a way that can be read back in (GP/PARI). 3. Eval: Make it easy to evaluate arbitrary code in the interpreter (e. g. , Singular, PARI). Because Sage uses Python, it takes a different approach, which is that every object can be serialized, i. e. , turned into a string from which that object can be recovered. This is in spirit similar to the uni? ed I/O approach of PARI, except it doesn’t have the drawback that objects print to screen in too complicated of a way. Also, support for saving and loading is (in most cases) completely automatic, requiring no extra programming; it’s simply a feature of Python that was designed into the language from the ground up. Almost all Sage objects x can be saved in compressed form to disk using save(x, filename) (or in many cases x. save(filename)). To load the object back in, use load(filename). sage: sage: [ 15 [ 42 [ 69 sage: A = MatrixSpace(QQ,3)(range(9))^2 A 18 21] 54 66] 90 111] save(A, ’A’) You should now quit Sage and restart. Then you can get A back: sage: sage: [ 15 [ 42 [ 69 A = load(’A’) A 18 21] 54 66] 90 111] You can do the same with more complicated objects, e. g. , elliptic curves. All data about the object that is cached is stored with the object. For example, sage: sage: sage: sage: E = EllipticCurve(’11a’) v = E. nlist(100000) save(E, ’E’) quit # takes a while The saved version of E takes 153 kilobytes, since it stores the ? rst 100000 an with it. ~/tmp$ ls -l E. sobj -rw-r–r– 1 was was 153500 2006-01-28 19:23 E. sobj ~/tmp$ sage [ ] sage: E = load(’E’) sage: v = E. anlist(100000) # instant! (In Pytho n, saving and loading is accomplished using the cPickle module. In particular, a Sage object x can be saved via cPickle. dumps(x, 2). Note the 2! ) 60 Chapter 3. The Interactive Shell Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 Sage cannot save and load individual objects created in some other computer algebra systems, e. . , GAP, Singular, Maxima, etc. They reload in a state marked â€Å"invalid†. In GAP, though many objects print in a form from which they can be reconstructed, many don’t, so reconstructing from their print representation is purposely not allowed. sage: a = gap(2) sage: a. save(’a’) sage: load(’a’) Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: The session in which this object was defined is no longer running. GP/PARI objects can be saved and loaded since their print representation is enough to reconstruct them. sage: a = gp(2) sage: a. save(’a’) sage: load(’a’) 2 Saved objects can be re-loaded later on computers with different architectures or operating systems, e. g. , you could save a huge matrix on 32-bit OS X and reload it on 64-bit Linux, ? nd the echelon form, then move it back. Also, in many cases you can even load objects into versions of Sage that are different than the versions they were saved in, as long as the code for that object isn’t too different. All the attributes of the objects are saved, along with the class (but not source code) that de? nes the object. If that class no longer exists in a new version of Sage, then the object can’t be reloaded in that newer version. But you could load it in an old version, get the objects dictionary (with x. __dict__), and save the dictionary, and load that into the newer version. 3. 9. 1 Saving as Text You can also save the ASCII text representation of objects to a plain text ? le by simply opening a ? le in write mode and writing the string representation of the object (you can write many objects this way as well). When you’re done writing objects, close the ? le. sage: sage: sage: sage: sage: R. = PolynomialRing(QQ,2) f = (x+y)^7 o = open(’file. txt’,’w’) o. write(str(f)) o. close() 3. 10 Saving and Loading Complete Sessions Sage has very ? xible support for saving and loading complete sessions. The command save_session(sessionname) saves all the variables you’ve de? ned in the current session as a dictionary in the given sessionname. (In the rare case when a variable does not support saving, it is simply not saved to the dictionary. ) The resulting ? le is an . sobj ? le and can be loaded just like any other object that was saved. When you load the objects saved in a session, you get a dictionary whose keys are the variables names and whose values are the objects. You can use the load_session(sessionname) command to load the variables de? ed in sessionname into the current session. Note that this does not wipe out variables you’ve already de? ned in your current session; instead, the two sessions are merged. First we start Sage and de? ne some variables. 3. 10. Saving and Loading Complete Sessions 61 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: sage: sage: sage: _4 = E = EllipticCurve(’11a’) M = ModularSymbols(37) a = 389 t = M. T(2003). matrix(); t. charpoly(). factor() (x – 2004) * (x – 12)^2 * (x + 54)^2 Next we save our session, which saves each of the above variables into a ? le. Then we view the ? le, which is about 3K in size. age: save_session(’misc’) Saving a Saving M Saving t Saving E sage: quit [ email  protected]:~/tmp$ ls -l misc. sobj -rw-r–r– 1 was was 2979 2006-01-28 19:47 misc. sobj Finally we restart Sage, de? ne an extra variable, and load our saved session. sage: b = 19 sage: load_session(’misc’) Loading a Loading M Loading E Loading t Each saved variable is again available. Moreover, the variable b was not overwritten. sage: M Full Modular Symbols space for Gamma_0(37) of weight 2 with sign 0 and dimension 5 over Rational Field sage: E Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 + y = x^3 – x^2 – 10*x – 20 over Rational Field sage: b 19 sage: a 389 3. 1 The Notebook Interface The Sage notebook is run by typing sage: notebook() on the command line of Sage. This starts the Sage notebook and opens your default web browser to view it. The server’s state ? les are stored in $HOME/. sage/sage\_notebook. Other options include: sage: notebook(â€Å"directory†) which starts a new notebook server using ? les in the given dir ectory, instead of the default directory $HOME/. sage/sage_notebook. This can be useful if you want to have a collection of worksheets associated with a speci? c project, or run several separate notebook servers at the same time. When you start the notebook, it ? st creates the following ? les in $HOME/. sage/sage_notebook: 62 Chapter 3. The Interactive Shell Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 nb. sobj objects/ worksheets/ (the notebook SAGE object file) (a directory containing SAGE objects) (a directory containing SAGE worksheets). After creating the above ? les, the notebook starts a web server. A â€Å"notebook† is a collection of user accounts, each of which can have any number of worksheets. When you create a new worksheet, the data that de? nes it is stored in the worksheets/username/number directories. In each such directory there is a plain text ? le worksheet. xt – if anything ever happens to your worksheets, or Sage, or whatever, that human-readable ? le contains ev erything needed to reconstruct your worksheet. From within Sage, type notebook? for much more about how to start a notebook server. The following diagram illustrates the architecture of the Sage Notebook: ———————| | | | | firefox/safari | | | | javascript | | program | | | | | ———————| ^ | AJAX | V | ———————| | | sage | | web | ————> | server | pexpect | | | | ———————- SAGE process 1 SAGE process 2 SAGE process 3 (Python processes) For help on a Sage command, cmd, in the notebook browser box, type cmd? ). and now hit (not For help on the keyboard shortcuts available in the notebook interface, click on the Help link. 3. 11. The Notebook Interface 63 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 64 Chapter 3. The Interactive Shell CHAPTER FOUR INTERFACES A central facet of Sage is that it supports computation with objects in many different computer algebra systems â€Å"under one roof† using a common interface and clean programming language. The console and interact methods of an interface do very different things. For example, using GAP as an example: 1. gap. onsole(): This opens the GAP console – it transfers control to GAP. Here Sage is serving as nothing more than a convenient program launcher, similar to the Linux bash shell. 2. gap. interact(): This is a convenient way to interact with a running GAP instance that may be â€Å"full of† Sage objects. You can import Sage objects into this GAP session (even from the interactive interface), etc. 4. 1 GP/PARI PARI is a compact, very mature, highly optimized C program whose primary focus is number theory. There are two very distinct interfaces that you can use in Sage: †¢ gp – the â€Å"G o P ARI† interpreter, and †¢ pari – the PARI C libraxry. For example, the following are two ways of doing the same thing. They look identical, but the output is actually different, and what happens behind the scenes is drastically different. sage: gp(’znprimroot(10007)’) Mod(5, 10007) sage: pari(’znprimroot(10007)’) Mod(5, 10007) In the ? rst case, a separate copy of the GP interpreter is started as a server, and the string ’znprimroot(10007)’ is sent to it, evaluated by GP, and the result is assigned to a variable in GP (which takes up space in the child GP processes memory that won’t be freed). Then the value of that variable is displayed. In the second case, no separate program is started, and the string ’znprimroot(10007)’ is evaluated by a certain PARI C library function. The result is stored in a piece of memory on the Python heap, which is freed when the variable is no longer referenced. The objects have different types: sage: type(gp(’znprimroot(10007)’)) sage: type(pari(’znprimroot(10007)’)) So which should you use? It depends on what you’re doing. The GP interface can do absolutely anything you could do in the usual GP/PARI command line program, since it is running that program. In particular, you can load complicated PARI programs and run them. In contrast, the PARI interface (via the C library) is much more restrictive. First, not all 65 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 member functions have been implemented. Second, a lot of code, e. g. , involving numerical integration, won’t work via the PARI interface. That said, the PARI interface can be signi? cantly faster and more robust than the GP one. (If the GP interface runs out of memory evaluating a given input line, it will silently and automatically double the stack size and retry that input line. Thus your computation won’t crash if you didn’t correctly anticipate the amount of memory that would be needed. This is a nice trick the usual GP interpreter doesn’t seem to provide. Regarding the PARI C library interface, it immediately copies each created object off of the PARI stack, hence the stack never grows. However, each object must not exceed 100MB in size, or the stack will over? ow when the object is being created. This extra copying does impose a slight performance penalty. ) In summary, Sage uses the PARI C library to provide functionality similar to that provided by the GP/PARI interpreter, except with different sophisticated memory management and the Python programming language. First we create a PARI list from a Python list. age: v = pari([1,2,3,4,5]) sage: v [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] sage: type(v) Every PARI object is of type py_pari. gen. The PARI type of the underlying object can be obtained using the type member function. sage: v. type() ’t_VEC’ In PARI, to create an elliptic curve we enter ellinit([1,2,3,4,5]). Sage is similar, except that ellinit is a method th at can be called on any PARI object, e. g. , our t\_VEC v. sage: e = v. ellinit() sage: e. type() ’t_VEC’ sage: pari(e)[:13] [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 29, 35, -183, -3429, -10351, 6128487/10351] Now that we have an elliptic curve object, we can compute some things about it. age: e. elltors() [1, [], []] sage: e. ellglobalred() [10351, [1, -1, 0, -1], 1] sage: f = e. ellchangecurve([1,-1,0,-1]) sage: f[:5] [1, -1, 0, 4, 3] 4. 2 GAP Sage comes with GAP 4. 4. 10 for computational discrete mathematics, especially group theory. Here’s an example of GAP’s IdGroup function, which uses the optional small groups database that has to be installed separately, as explained below. sage: G = gap(’Group((1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4))’) sage: G Group( [ (1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4) ] ) sage: G. Center() Group( () ) 66 Chapter 4. Interfaces Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: G. IdGroup() [ 120, 34 ] sage: G. Order() 120 # requires optional database_gap package We can do the same computation in Sage without explicitly invoking the GAP interface as follows: sage: G = PermutationGroup([[(1,2,3),(4,5)],[(3,4)]]) sage: G. center() Subgroup of (Permutation Group with generators [(3,4), (1,2,3)(4,5)]) generated by [()] sage: G. group_id() # requires optional database_gap package [120, 34] sage: n = G. order(); n 120 (For some GAP functionality, you should install two optional Sage packages. Type sage -optional for a list and choose the one that looks like gap\_packages-x. . z, then type sage -i gap\_packages-x. y. z. Do the same for database\_gap-x. y. z. Some non-GPL’d GAP packages may be installed by downloading them from the GAP web site [GAPkg], and unpacking them in $SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/gap-4. 4. 10/pkg. ) 4. 3 Singular Singular provides a massive and mature library for Grobner bases, multivariate polynomial gcds, bases of RiemannRoch spaces of a plane curve, and factorizations, among other things. We illustrate multivariate polynomial factorization using the Sage interface to Singular (do not type the ): sage: R1 = singular. ing(0, ’(x,y)’, ’dp’) sage: R1 // characteristic : 0 // number of vars : 2 // block 1 : ordering dp // : names x y // block 2 : ordering C sage: f = singular(’9*y^8 – 9*x^2*y^7 – 18*x^3*y^6 – 18*x^5*y^6 + 9*x^6*y^4 + 18*x^7*y^5 + 36*x^8*y^4 + 9*x^10*y^4 – 18*x^11*y^2 – 9*x^12*y^3 – 18*x^13*y^2 + 9*x^16’) Now that we have de? ned f , we print it and factor. sage: f 9*x^16-18*x^13*y^2-9*x^12*y^3+9*x^10*y^4-18*x^11*y^2+36*x^8*y^4+18*x^7*y^5-18*x^5*y^6+9*x^6*y^4-18*x^ sage: f. parent() Singular sage: F = f. factorize(); F [1]: _[1]=9 _[2]=x^6-2*x^3*y^2-x^2*y^3+y^4 _[3]=-x^5+y^2 [2]: 1,1,2 sage: F[1][2] x^6-2*x^3*y^2-x^2*y^3+y^4 As with the GAP example in GAP, we can compute the above factorization without explicitly using the Singular interface (however, behind the scenes Sage uses the Singular interface for the actual computation). Do not type the : 4. 3. Singular 67 Sage Tutorial, Release 5. 3 sage: sage: sage: (9) * x, y = QQ[’x, y’]. gens() f = 9*y^8 – 9*x^2*y^7 – 18*x^3*y^6 – 18*x^5*y^6 + 9*x^6*y^4 + 18*x^7*y^5 + 36*x^8*y^4 + 9*x^10*y^4 – 18*x^11*y^2 – 9*x^12*y^3 – 18*x^13*y^2 + 9*x^16 factor(f) (-x^5 + y^2)^2 * (x^6 – 2*x^3*y^2 – x^2*y^3 + y^4) 4. 4 Maxima Maxima is included with Sage, as well as a Lisp implementation. The gnuplot package (which Maxima uses by default for plotting) is distributed as a Sage optional package. Among other things, Maxima does symbolic manipulation. Maxima can integrate and differentiate functions symbolically, solve 1st order ODEs, most linear 2nd order ODEs, and has implemented the Laplace tr

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Lost Ark Film Review - 1203 Words

Lost Ark is an iconic adventure film of the 1980s. Written by, a man whom at the time was extremely popular for making the cult classic film, Star Wars. That man was George Lucas. The Lost Ark was an immediate success for the obvious reasons of, a great original story line and the ridiculously amazing amount of action, but most unknowledgable movie-goers missed some film and technical techniques that make the Lost Ark a cinematic beauty. The Lost Ark was uniformly praised for their special effects, music, screenplay, and the more technical aspects of cinematography, camera position and lighting. These film elements make Raiders of the Lost Ark into a movie that will be passed down for generations. Camera angles are truly important to any film. They can emanate a mood or a characteristic of a character without said character saying a word. In the beginning scene of the Lost Ark, the camera focuses directly on the backs of the tomb raiders only then seeing the face of an unsavory character pulling out his gun on the leading man, Indiana Jones. Indiana, fast as lightning uses his whip to slash the gun away from the distasteful gunman. The camera immediately pans up to a close up to Indiana’s face, strong and determined. That is the first view of the movie’s hero, it leaves a lasting impression on the characters in the movie and the audience. A commonly used film technique is selective focusing. In movies selective focusing is used to direct the attention of aShow MoreRelatedBlade Runner Film Analysis800 Words   |  4 PagesBlade Runner: Film Analysis and Critics Review Blade Runner (1982), directed by Ridley Scott, combines the element, film noir and science fiction, thus creating a outstanding visual aesthetic that has been embraced by most critics. Based on Philip K. Dick’s novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 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